Avercamp's World. Watercolour, 18x13cm, 2006
World Avercamp. Watercolor
It happens this way: in the pitch darkness
Waking up, looking for the contours of objects,
And then fumbled a long void
Words ... for not voiced answers ...
Doubts bygone years,
Almost forgotten life stories,
And if, in the moonlight okunёshsya
Other people's spaces - familiar territory.
And it will be so clear and clean
Melody forgiveness and farewell,
Dropping from the music sheet,
Forgotten scores subconscious ...
Particular cases

Walking Alone in the Night. Watercolour, 15x18cm, 2010
Nochnaya walk alone. Watercolor
To say that I admire this artist means - to remain silent ...
Through its intuitive creativity sprouted from the fertile soil of Slavic mythology ...
Yes, yes, that's right, in my opinion, despite the dyurerovskie shades and all that stuff ...
Kalinovich Constantine (Konstantin Kalynovych) was born in 1959 in the Russian city of Novokuznetsk, graduated from art school, then studied architecture at the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute. There first came to the studio and etching for life became interested in engraving. Perfecting his extraordinary talent already on the faculty of the Ukrainian Academy of book graphics printing in Lviv. Since 1985, he has created around 300 bookplates in etchings and woodcuts. His works are in the Royal Academy of Arts (London, UK), in the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg, Russia), Museum of Art in Cedar Rapids (Iowa, USA), the University of Wales (Aberystwyth, UK), the museum Davis ( Wellesley, USA), as well as in private collections around the world.

Birds of My Heart II. Watercolour, 18x22cm, 2012
Birds of My Heart II. Watercolor
The artist lives in Lugansk, leads a quiet existence of non-public. Although he is known far beyond the city ..
I will not even try to list all international competitions in which work Kalinovich were awarded: the list is huge, and it is of interest only to specialists. A layman to adequately assess the level of work done enough already to the fact that Constantine Kalinovich 1992 is the only post-Soviet space a corresponding member of the Royal Society of British engravers and painters.
He himself, however, commented on this fact quite original: "It's just that there are limits - every year to take a certain number of artists from abroad." Of course, this indicates a lack of Kalinovich often inherent to his colleagues excessive ambition, but also says a lot about his attitude towards his craft. "Serving the Muses not tolerate fuss" - it's like about it said.

Artist in the Winter Forest. Oil, 30x40cm, 2010
Artist in the winter forest. Oil
He studied graphics in Leningrad, but deliberately chose to live in the province. From the window of his studio offers a typical rural views, and every morning he enjoys an idyllic landscape with cackling geese and chickens kvohchuschimi, shaggy mongrels and frolic rebyatney. And this peaceful life somehow miraculously transformed into his engravings, arguing about which critics are not in vain recall names Bruegel and Dürer.
It's not just the plot echoes of the great masters, but in manic thoroughness Kalinovich. For him, every detail is important, and if it appears leaf pattern, there is no doubt that the next there is bound to lodge a bug. In the series "Winter Dreams", however, no insects - not the season. But there are many other lovely creatures. And it seems the artist was not joking when he says that if warm their eyes, that they may live.

Premonition of Winter. Mixed media, 60x45cm, 2011
Premonition of winter. Mixed media

Sleeplessness. Watercolour, 22x14cm, 2005
Insomnia. Watercolor

Working on the Moon. Watercolour, 24x18cm, 2007
Spring on the moon. Watercolor

Winter Heart. Gouache, 14x11cm, 2006
Winter heart. Gouache

Durers Dream. Watercolour, 18x11cm, 2005
Dream Dürer. Watercolor

Winter in Old Nuremberg. Watercolour, 27x15cm, 2005
Winter in the Old Nuremberg. Watercolor

The Collector. Mixed media, 10x12cm, 2006
Collector. Watercolor, gouache, color. pencil

Last Winter. Mixed media, 50x70cm, 2007
Last winter. Mixed media

Goodbye Avercamp IV. Watercolour, 14x21cm, 2007
Farewell Avercamp IV. Watercolor

Shadows of Time. Watercolour, 20x27cm, 2007
Shadows of Time

Vermeer in the Snow. Watercolour, 8x11cm, 2005
Vermeer in the snow. Watercolor

Artist from Babel. Watercolour, 12x24cm, 2012
Artist from Babylon. Watercolor

Beginning of Winter. Watercolour, 13x16cm, 2008
The beginning of winter. Watercolor

Sleeplessness II. Oil 25x29cm, 2011
Insomnia II. Oil

The Big Watchmaker. Mixed media, 60x80cm, 2010
Big watchmaker. Mixed media

Eclipse. Oil, 12x14cm, 2009
Eclipse. Oil

Summer Hunting. mixed media, 35x35cm, 2012
Hunting for the summer. Mixed media

The Last Harvest. Watercolour, collage, 20x20cm, 2009
Last harvest. Watercolor, collage

Power of Time. Oil 28x28cm, 2009
The strength of the time. Oil

Big Birdcatcher II. Mixed media, 25x35cm, 2008
Big birder II. Mixed media

Coming of Winter Time. Mixed media, 50x70cm, 2010
The onset of winter time. Mixed media

Winter Voyage, Watercolour, 25x15cm, 2013
Winter Voyage, Watercolor
Etchings, bookplates, paintings in full with all the details you can porassmatrivat on its website: http: //www.kalynovych.net/kk_bio.html
And look eye to an impressive list of international exhibitions and awards Constantine:-)
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