Let awaken the dawn hubbub
red curls fuete ...
a tray of candy with rum,
windy cup of latte ...
And a huge bouquet of irises,
blue-blue as the sky,
from raging Paris,
Caring for the trouble ...
Suppose you steal hugs
the most gentle hands in the world,
tipped into the abyss of happiness ...

Look ..... you or anyone not recalled this young, little-mamzelka caramel ?!
True it does not have your curls, but you have one dream - to become a ballerina!
Reed, girl, vine
And inspiration eyes
How to sing marvelous songs
In the passage of light and in flight.
All life is a fairy tale and dream
What creates beauty
In an effort to eternal perfection,
Likened carefree childhood
In the game of life on the stage,
When the arena - the entire Earth.
And not mamzelka you ....
Ah, madam! You are talking to be happy,
Surprised and tender such
Serene, free, beautiful,
You are not led by the laziness and rest.
Inspired by a beautiful dream,
Forgetting grief and pain,
The heart of a loving word, soul,
Stay Irisha this!
Well, I have suffered .............
so you will be receiving guests and giving away treats
Everything here ..... you're tired .....

You're in a circle of friends
kindle the spark of happiness.
Birthday suddenly
embraces us by the shoulders.
and presents all knowingly,
cake with the name of "pleasure":
this morning I'll
Happy birthday!
These are the cakes - it too you!
Once a year, as in the song, birthday,
Hail and well from the soul,
For you nature awakening,
For you spring singing in the silence.
Year-trampoline taken thee as before,
Year of other dreams puzzled
Fervent hope and trust!
Happy Birthday! Happiness and good luck!
Irina, darling! from the heart - Happy Birthday!

And still waiting for you your favorite, wise dragons .....
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