"Every great artist draws the viewer keenly-observed and feelingly features or dashes of nature, and the audience believes that it is moved in time during the time depicted in the film, whereas in fact he only moved to the feelings and ideas of the artist."
From the notebook of Goethe

Michael Parks is a leading artist - a realist in the magical world of painting. His works evoke a mysterious atmosphere, it is tempting to talk about the world of dreams with the artist, if not for the fact that the "dream world" Michael Parkes surpasses all our dreams in courage, freedom and intensity. Michael Parkes was born in 1944. He was an only child, grew up in Canalou, Missouri, a typical American city in the fifties. Graphics and studied painting at the University of Kansas, where he met his future wife, artist and musician Maria Sedoff. In 1970, the young couple went on a spiritual journey across Asia and Europe. Returning to Spain in 1975, they had a single daughter. Michael and Maria now live and work in Spain. Despite international recognition, Parkes remains modest, as a sage - a weaver of myth and dreams, we know from his art.
Official Website of Michael Parkes
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