Koli Kotofey obedient master's word, disarmed in the upper room does not create pots from the stove not kidat, nights are not yelling - goodness in the house reposes. And the rest.
Windows towers without their needs are not dissolved. And yes dissolving setmi strengthen. So cat Ptah freestyle beheld from a window sill in the yard not sverzisha, will of God I shall die.

Victuals and drink to give a cat in moderation. "Kitiket" and "Whiskas" overseas abhor. And give much better curd needs, scalded meat from a cow or heifer, but not sea and river fish. And creeping reptiles.
Doctor cat will require a special, so infusions anointed with fragrant skin from different parasites. Afterward that once a year in the back of the beast's paw needle healthily vulnerable.

And if the boy Kotin vanity and egozliv Thou, then take his right hand behind the gate. Yes zekaly sassy glyadyuchi Shipi, yes fingers Shuitsev mustache Lupi. When thou will not have the benefit - repeat. Pokel ask no quarter and thinly Tones. Merciful - let go!
Seeing a puddle on the carpet Persian cat, If ye to them, and shit it smerdyaschiya, humble yourself. Fel on the beast not Rtsy not laysya, arms will not come in vain. Heart in anger, it reinforced kotyahi tverdyya to shovel the BEAC and demolished in the cat's tray, where they have a trace. Kota same beat worthless. Do not tear Egon uh, paws and whiskers.

How podrastasha cat cats hunger pochnet, summon doctor vdrugoryad. So that the knife preostrym yatra evonnyya truncating. And the goodness of the house reposes. And the rest. And seasonable in vozdusyah. And remember forever. Cat paws Imat up to four and a long tail. Inasmuch as he insults, do not fix it because the growth of small ...

Artist Elena Bazanova

How podrastasha cat cats hunger pochnet, summon doctor vdrugoryad. So that the knife preostrym yatra evonnyya truncating. And the goodness of the house reposes. And the rest. And seasonable in vozdusyah. And remember forever. Cat paws Imat up to four and a long tail. Inasmuch as he insults, do not fix it because the growth of small ...

Artist Elena Bazanova
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